Thursday, June 9, 2011

polar bears weigh enough.

To break the ice.

So I did it.

I walked down to the room where the inservice is taking place (while everyone was out on a break) to talk to my friend and pass on an important piece of information (lunch was an hour early, so what if I could have made a phone call!).  After I passed that on, I remained in the room chatting with him and one other new staff for a few minutes.

And pretend boyfriend returned.  Score!

Heyy, was that you the other night at the show?

Yea, I was there.

Oh, alright, yea I totally thought it was you but wasn't really sure so I didn't say anything.

Yea, I was actually telling him that I thought I had seen you there.

My friend than chimed in with, this was the girl you were telling me was "middle-aged?"

WHAT, middle-aged?  HELLO, I am not middle-aged

The conversation then turned to friendly banter which I thought went well.  A few minutes later I left the room before everyone else returned.

Later in the afternoon I went down to the room (while everyone was on a lunch break) to talk to my friend.  The other guy that was in the room during the initial conversation was there too.

This other guy informed me that my boyfriend wasn't back yet.

Umm, excuuuse me?!

I immediately turned to my friend and yelled at him for opening his flipping big mouth!

But apparently, he hadn't said anything.

The fact that my face was beat red and I was clearly all sorts of flustered had said it all and even better: it has become a joke among all the other new staff.

So much for subtlety.

Whatever, considering I made a bit of a fool of myself, the ball is in his court.