Tuesday, November 8, 2011

normalcy is over-rated.

I used to attempt to zip my lips when company came over and behave as "normally" as possible.

As I've become comfortable with being the whack-a-doo I am, I no longer sit in silence.

I chat and blabber on....and generally make myself laugh.

By generally, I mean ALL THE TIME.

But I've come to realize that with my endless chatter, I make outsiders more comfortable.

For example my sister brought a boy to the house for the first time I can recall.  Mind you it was for an errand, but regardless, he still was the one who drove her there, 2 hours out of his way.

Anyways, it was not a request, but rather a demand that I be at the house when they arrived.

And I'm quite certain it was because I can sit there, tell ridiculous stories, get chit-chatter going, and make it more comfortable for everyone else present because they can band together and laugh about my absurdities.

I'm cool with that.