Friday, November 25, 2011

friday favorites.

My Thanksgiving was absolutely delicious, like the whole day.

I literally stuffed my face, cleaned my plate, and went up for seconds before anyone else was done with the first round.

And the pecan pie my Mom made, swooooon.

I swear Thanksgiving meal is like the fucking best ever.

Anyways, on to the favorites because yesssssss, it is Friday.

First some National Geographic Photos of the Day.

I'm Lithuanian, and totally embrace it.  This picture of a Lithuanian morning landscape by Eugenijus Rauduve is amazing.

And this one by Michael Melford of the Salmon River in Idaho, rocks.

Ummm, I want to be on this tundra trek in Svalbard, photo by June Jacobsen.  Seriously, I want to go, like yesterday.

I found this article on Cities That Have Vanished to be really neat.  There are so many reasons why a city could be found desolate, and the history of the place and the people just captivates me.  Yes, hello dork, I just said captivate.

Prepare yourself: 25 Sexy Chests to be Thankful for.  Seriously, and my man Ryan Gosling is the first photo, boom.  And then, Prince Harry, sigh.

Another photo slideshow, this one of Marilyn & animals, love it.

No secret I love Nicole Richie, and when I saw this photo I was so pumped!  I loooove the dress, but my favorite part is how amazing each accessory is!  Literally, she owned the arm party, neck candy, simple clutch, and kick ass heels.

And finally, well said Ward Foley, well said.

Enjoy your weekend!