Friday, November 4, 2011

friday favorites.

Alright so an electrical truck came down to our lost valley this morning.

Threw down some cones and shouted "Holy fuck!  This is nuts!  That's the high voltage wire!"

Talking about the wire that nearly tore me down.

Then they beat feet and drove away.

Getting my power back is not looking good friends.

Anyways, it's Friday - so power or no power, keep on keepin' on.

National Geographic Photo of the Day right off the bat - serious they had 3 amazing photos I'm so diggin.  And it just dawned on me that all three were taken by this Michael Melford.  I didn't pick them based on the photographer, but ironically they all were him.  Kudos Mister Melford.

Here is the Great Kobuk Sand Dunes in Alaska - photo credit: Michael Melford.

Next the Merced River in Yosemite, photo credit: Michael Melford.

And finally, Leaves on Cascade Lake, photo credit: Michael Melford.

Throwback anything rocks my world, I mean seriously I spent the first half of my week feeling like I was living in Little House on the Prairie.  Anyways,  I kinda want to take a trip to visit all these Time-Warp Towns.  Who's in?

I love arm candy.  And these Mango Tree ones are way neat.  Kinda want a whole bunch.

I'm all about doing your part in making changes and helping the world any way you can.  Could it be anymore simple than just clicking your computer mouse?  Feed animals, feed people, protect wildlife, and so much more!  DO IT PEOPLE.

Cute little article on how owning a dog prepares you for having a baby.  No baby for me anytime soon - no worries, but the article is cute!

Awwww, dinosaur love!

Enjoy your weekend creepers!