I apologize for the lack of posts. But seeing as I didn't end up running off into the sunset with a new boyfriend on one arm and my dog on the other side, I was all sorts of jaded this week.
Jaded. Or maybe it's just PMS.
But either way, after working with my boss on a couple of assignments today, he was very concerned. He wanted to know what was up and why I was so volatile.
When your boss asks why you are so volatile, you know you are likely making some poor choices at the work place.
My plan is to wake up on the right side of the love seat (I don't sleep in a bed, because my bed is in the loft, and I don't want to deal with waking up at 3AM to pee, and falling down the ladder....I also don't want to sleep that far away from my dog seeing as he can't get his 80lbs up a ladder) tomorrow morning, post my friday favorites, and kick this funk in the face and get on with my life.
I also intend to drink lots and be all sorts of ridiculous on Saturday. I'm very excited and 100% convinced that will help me get my shit back together.