I need to stop being a flipping chicken.
Alright, so this past week there was an in-service group (training for newly hired staff that lasts about 2 weeks). This training takes place in the downstairs of the building I work in. Obviously this means I get prime viewing of the new staff.
Well wouldn't you know there is a total hottie in the group.
For the first few days of last week, every single time they got a break from training, I would saunter over to another building and flaunt my non-existant ass in hopes he would take notice.
I also have access to each staff members information (and one of my good friends happens to be the in-service facilitator), so I asked to find out his name. Got it, no problem. My co-worker (the in-service facilitator) mentioned that he thinks he is younger than me. Alright, so what....as long as it's not much younger, no biggie.
On Friday morning I got access to his license (yah, I can occasionally be a creep), and wouldn't you know it but he is actually the same age as me, born in the same month and everything. Obviously, this is a good sign.
Considering everyone and their Mom has a facebook these days, I absolutely took to a search of his name. Cripes, we have 6 friends in common!
THIS IS FATE. He obviously needs to be my new boyfriend.
On Friday afternoon, my co-worker asked the group if anyone had any plans for the weekend. My new eye-candy responded that he was going to a small near-by bar to see a really decent local band play.
Could this go any smoother, honestly?
So I message one of the mutual friends, a really cool girl, who would semi-understand that I'm not a complete creepster (just a minor one) and ask for the low-down on this guy. Response: really cool guy, you should totally get to know him, I think you would get along really well.
New Saturday evening plan: need to find a wingman to accompany me to this total townie bar to stage a random, impromptu run-in.
So, I convince my sister and one of my friends that this is clearly a good game plan and that they definitely want in.
We roll up to this small-time dive bar, walk in, order some drinks (get stared at by all the locals because we clearly are the outsiders), and then the crowd parts and wouldn't you know it, my boy is there.
I make a quick trip to the bathroom, just to confirm that it is in fact him (and hope that he sees me). While in the bathroom I meet a middle-aged lady who was just getting down on the dancefloor. Mind you, she is taking her inhaler after her one dance. I totally made her feel fine about it though, I explained that it makes sense she would need it, she was really going at it.
The rest of the evening was spent chit-chatting with some people in the bar (randomly my sister actually knew a few friends there) and ordering new rounds of drinks. Then we hit up photo-hunt. If you've ever played photo-hunt when drinking, you know it's exceptionally addicting.
My sister ends up getting my boys attention and he joins us for a photo-hunt round. My sister clams up so that I can strike up conversation. What do I do you ask? PLAY PHOTO-HUNT. I do not say a word to him. So he walks off.
I head home a total failure with my seemingly bomb-proof plan.
New game plan. This morning when I see him at work (and I intentionally dressed in a favorite outfit), I'll say something like, "Heyy, were you at that show on Saturday night? I thought it might have been you, but I wasn't sure." There-by leading into further conversation.
My co-worker reports back first thing (he sees the group before I get in) that this guy mentioned he thought he saw me at the show.
Ok, so he did take notice. Not a complete fail. Now, I just need to start-up this conversation.
Wouldn't you know it, he went home sick today.
Fail x2.
My co-worker did inform that he described me as attractive.
Maybe not all has been lost.
I only have 3 days left of him being in this building for training. Then he switches to an overnight shift.
I need to put on my big girl pants and be bold.