Before us small town girls headed off to the big bad city....I got a text talking about wearing some flannel plaid to put our small town roots on display.
Immediately I knew I must take it a step further.
So alas, I threw on my black skinnies, knee high gray suede boots, a lovely cream tunic, and are you ready....a camouflage sweatshirt as my final layer, for the win.
So my 2 friends picked me up and were completely astonished with my last minute decision....which I will say, fucking rocked.
Off we went, me chattering a mile a minute in the back seat to which prompted the ever normal statement: if I didn't know you I would totally think you were on drugs.
I wish I received like a dollar everytime someone said that....seriously it would pay for a flight to Florida to visit my BFF.
Anyways, we had some road sodas en route, got lost in the ghetto - seriously was way scary -and got safely to our friend's condo.
We had some beverages and then headed to a restaurant where I made myself laugh several times with statements to the waiter along the lines of this:
Don't joke with me sir, if I throw on this here layer, you won't even see me....I'm serious.
Is that a branch - ohhh, nope just my arm.
Anyways, so we had some drankks and dinner - where I charmingly waved to an entire table full of gentlemen.
It's weird going out with a group of girls and having everyone at the table either be engaged or married, except for your single self, but I classed it up, no worries.
After dinner - and some "birthday" shots....thanks girls, we headed off to a bar.
Where eye contact was made with a mister mister across the room, who began a dance off as he made his way our direction....he stopped upon arrival and immediately asked if my camo was the result of a dare.
No, no dare....I had to one-up my friend here in the flannel plaid. I figured camouflage was the only appropriate solution.
He immediately started laughing and said he was impressed.
That's right, I said impressed.
At that point - I removed said camo layer, immediately becoming visible once more, and a dance off ensued.
It was awesome, except the music was fucking terrible dance off music - think accoustic guitar, classic rock-esque, etc.
We made it work.
He then got my number....and soon after friended me on facebook.
I even heard from him already this week, and to be honest, he's fucking hilarious....and even proposed us getting together at some point in the future.
Sooooo....I'm gonna come right out and say it: clearly the way to pick up a man is to rock some camouflage.
Get on it ladies.