Thursday, December 8, 2011

thought for thursday.

I'm one of the most indecisive people EVER.

I more or less waffle back and forth until someone decides for me.

But giving up that decision means I lose out on choosing what will make me the happiest, or most content.

I think I'm gonna need to start listing to my gut.

“It’s important to know that there is a difference between listening to your instinct and listening to your gut. Your gut knows everything. But your gut isn’t cocky. It isn’t loud. It doesn’t force you to listen to it. It subtly lets you know what’s right, and then it gets quiet while you figure it out the hard way. Your instincts are trained habits that you created somewhere along the way. And they are usually just what you’re comfortable with. And some of us are comfortable being unhappy, being taken advantage of, being walked all over, ignored, overlooked, under respected, being made to settle. Your gut tells you the truth, it tells you when something is off. It tells you what no one else will…”