I actually didn't know it was possible to fall further in love with the PBR. But apparently it is possible.
So we arrived on Friday night - checked into our hotel, started downing some skittles vodka, showered up, and changed.
As we waited for our taxi, that took about an hour - we polished off another cup of skittles vodka.
We then proceeded to take the scariest taxi ride of our lives. Seriously, like I thought we were going to be shot in a dark alley way.
We got to the event - had some beers, watched the conclusion and ran for a bar.
Took some shots, sent a text to one of the riders, and headed to their hotel bar.
We arrived, took some more shots, ordered some beers, and then stepped to the bathroom. Upon our return to the bar, we stopped for some conversation outside of the bar with some of the riders. My sister then headed in to order another round of beers with her main boy rider.
I remained outside. And then suddenly - my endearing cowboy from pbr part 3 came outside and wrapped me in a bear hug.
A bear hug. How can you not love that?
Clearly I hung out with his little group all evening.
I even missed the screaming match my sister got into with the world's biggest DB.
Then somehow shots got suggested.
Whiskey shots.
I told my sister she should take one because honestly, you couldn't even taste the whiskey.
It was fucking straight whiskey.
Soon after that shot and after some dancing, mister bear hug asked if I was ready to head up to his room.
I presumbably determined myself ready.
I put on some of bear hug's clothes to sleep, and then he announced he thought he might puke.
His roommate told me that the last time he thought he was gonna puke - he puked everywhere.
I slept in his roommate's bed, no way was I getting puked on.
We woke up, his roommate snuggled with me, because I guess it seemed appropriate.
Then after I got up to pee, I realized that their third roommate was curled up between the wall and bed, sleeping.
When the hell did he arrive?
They took some pictures, showered up, and then woke him up.
At which point he decided he needed to have his back rubbed - so he hopped into bed next to me and I rubbed his back.
Then he took a bath and was heading downstairs.
I texted my sister and found my way to the room she was in with her boy.
We hung out for a bit, took the elevator down, I ran off to find a bathroom to dry heave for a bit (fuck you whiskey), we said adios to my endearing cowboy who was headed home and happened to be in the lobby, and then sauntered off to our hotel.
We stopped on the way and ate some breakfast.
We got back to our room, my sister decided we must find some ice for our vodka. We set off on the elevator, we got off and I immediately said I need a bathroom. There was a gym and a trash can.
I made do with the trash can. Then I walked around the corner to find my sister outside at the pool, and booted in the trash can out there too.
I've actually thought back all the way through college and I have never once booted the afternoon after drinking.
That whiskey shot fucking owned me.
We then proceeded to lie in bed watching a Toddlers and Tiaras marathon while reading damn you auto-correct.
I attempted to eat some pizza after we ran to the mall for some pink tee-shirts, the attempt wasn't all that successful.
We returned to our room, took showers, I took some ibuprofen, ate some pepto, and made myself some skittles vodka.
We made it to the event, rocked it out in the balcony, and then changed out of our pink tee shirts in the bathroom.
We took some shots on the way to the hotel bar, where we met some Europeans who bought us some shots and drinks, and then our cowboys arrived.
We met Flint, sans rodeo entertainer attire, and had some good conversation.
I also made friends with one of the guys who works at the events - who happened to ask where our seats were for the following day. After I informed him they were in the balcony, he told me to please take his number and text him the next day, and that he would hook us up with some better seats.
I then fell in love with another mister mister who works at the events. We had some excellent conversation while sitting in the lobby for a few hours listening to the boys play their guitars and sing.
Me and my sister stumbled into a cab at 6AM.
We passed out for 5 hours, packed up our shit, ran for some breakfast, and arrived at the event.
I texted the guy from the night before - and he came out to meet us, tickets in pocket.
I had bullshit kicked up and land on my lap we were so gosh darn close.
TV each ride, yup.
Flint spotted us and gave us a quick I love you sign.
Best seats ever.
Ummmmm....considering we aren't going to Vegas for the finals (imagine my disappointment), can it please be January yet?
2012 season, here we come.