Tuesday, October 4, 2011

pbr part 2.

So after my first adventure of PBR, it dawned on me that I wanted in. 

I wanted in to this world of hot cowboys, lots of booze, and poor decisions.

Enter part 2 of PBR, NYC style.

Now, I'm no city girl.  Especially during that period of my life.

So we set off from our hotel, after pregaming in the room obvs, to head to the event. 

Now as a sidenote, this excursion occured a few months after my breakup, so I was still in my backwoods style situation (aka I was not dressed appropriately for a night out on the city).

I wore a simple white long sleeve, jeans, and a puffy vest.  No jacket, even though it was January in NYC.  Soooo, a nice lady in the elevator handed me her handwarmers and told me I was going to need them more than her.  She was correct.

The event was awesome, as expected. 

As we exited, we RAN, legit ran, down the roads of NYC to get to the after party bar.  There was no being left out of that situation, let me tell you.

We arrived at the bar, proceeded to order multiple rounds of shots and beers.

I was all in my wide-eyed deer phase, sit at the bar and be quiet (nothing like I am now).

As we left, we hopped into a cab with a couple of the riders, one of whom offered me his jacket for the ride (a Brazilian who happened to win the championship one year).

The plan as my sister whispered to me and our friend, was as soon as it stopped in front of their hotel, we would get out and run as fast as we could to our hotel.

The cab stopped, I hopped out ready to flee.

The other two followed the riders into the hotel.

Well, right, ok.  Plan fail.

So I went with them obviously.

We headed upstairs, woke up a few more cowboys, headed into one of the rooms, turned on the tube, and hung out.

One of the Brazilians took the remote from me (apparently my choice of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire wasn't good enough) and flipped on porn.


I had never seen porn in my whole entire life.  I had an enormous case of the giggles as I hid my head in the blankets.

The rider sauntered over to me and with an enormous accent asked would you like to watch the porno, or would you like to make a porno?


After everyone gave him shit and realized there was going to be no porno making, he left.

We should have left too.

But alas, my sister was very into one of the riders and informed me that if we wanted to head to our hotel, we would be on our own.

If you know me, that's probs one of the worst ideas ever.  I get lost on the road I grew up on let alone NYC at 4AM.

So we crashed there.

After some man named Potato cranked the heat and order 15 rounds of food.

I fought off a married rider for a few hours before zipping up my puffy vest and wrapping myself like a mummy in a sheet and sweating my ass off in the 85 degree room.

I didn't sleep much.

I started peeping out to my sister and friend at approximately 7AM.

psssh anyone awake in here?

Sometimes I think I'm like a tween at a sleepover party.

My sister said Twigs, zip it.  Wake up our friend and I will be down in like 15.

So I did just that. 

We headed downstairs, grabbed a cold muffin and juice and parked ourselves in this fucking enormous lobby in our obviously wrinkly morning after attire, as all sorts of people in business attire looked upon us with disgrace as they sped by. 

I mean obviously there would be some sort of business convention happening.

Anyways, after 15 minutes passed, we sprawled ourselves on these enormous benches.

We waited close to 45 minutes before I had it. 

I went to the phone, called the operator, gave the riders' name who the room was under, had my call connected, and had my sister put on the phone.

where the eff are you?

Oh as it happens, she fell back asleep.  Nice.

I shouted a bit into the phone until she understood she better hustle her ass down the stairs.

She did, we stumble jogged through the cold back to our hotel and proceeded to sleep for a couple hours.

Woke up, got ready, pregamed, and headed off for the next nights event.

Thankfully, we had another friend join us for the evening.  One who is a bit more together, especially in the city.

So after the event, we ran ass to the bar once more.  Got crazy drunk, danced our asses off, and decided we would head back to the riders' hotel and see if there was an after party.

There wasn't.

But I called the room asking if Potato was around.

He wasn't, but they invited us up anyways.

We left my sister there this time because we had a city girl with us who could lead us to our hotel.

We slept for a couple hours and then went to the last days event.  Leaving one of our friends to sleep in the lobby because "she didn't feel well."

Yup, I said sleep in the lobby, check out time already happened and we weren't about to miss the final day event.

Now, this story is still somewhat PG, at least to me.

But it's the next step into the world of rockstar crazy, PBR style.