Thursday, May 26, 2011

well, hello there.


For years now people have been telling me to either apply to have my life become a reality tv show or start a blog.  I'm not sure people would be interested in watching the debacle that is my life, so I figure a blog is my best bet.  Honestly though, I'm not a very captivating writer.  So if my writing is horrendous, I apologize already and realistically you don't have to read this if it's that bad.  I understand, trust me.  Because I'm pretty sure my thoughts are not congruent what-so-ever (ADHD anyone?) and I have a habit of going off on a tangent.

Anyways, I figure I might as well introduce me.  I'm 26 years old living in a no one knows where town in the Eastern United States.  In other words, I live in the woods.  Seriously, like someone on my road developed an internet provider just so our road could have internet access.  And that access, well it doesn't work when it's cloudy, rainy, or windy and when it's nice out, generally someone is working on it, so it doesn't work then either.  Cell reception is spotty at best, and that's if I'm standing out on my deck.  My neighbor (I say neighbor loosely because I've never actually seen the house, but I'm told they're relatively close enough to call them a neighbor), well they feed black bears in their backyard, seriously.  There is also a large number of coyotes, which means that when I let my dog out in the morning it's possible he may find a deer leg or something in my yard (it happened, I threw it in the garbage).  That all sounds like I'm kind of complaining, and I'm not.  I love where I live.  I have trails right out of my yard that lead right down to the river, my road is extremely quiet so that if I decide to walk down it, I don't have to leash my dog, and you can't see my neighbors so I can let my dog outside and not have to worry about yard boundaries (best ever).  Crap, see tangent.  I was supposed to be introducing myself and instead I talked about where I live.

Well let's see, I'm a complete nutter.  I'm not kidding.  And generally the most ridiculous things happen to me.  Like, if something is going to happen, it will happen to me.  It's just how it is and I've come to terms with it.  I figure it makes for good stories. 

My reason for this blog is to document the upside of my unfortunate luck and the ridiculous adventures I have.  And I have unfortunate luck  and ridiculous adventures let me tell you.  I don't really understand the unfortunate luck though, because I literally find at least 100 4-leaf clovers every summer.  I've taken to just passing them out to people because if they aren't going to give me luck, maybe they'll benefit someone else. 

Anyways, I kinda have taken to embracing my unfortunate luck because it makes me, well me.  I've taken more than my fair share of knocks and somehow keep plugging along with as much upbeatedness as I possibly can maintain.

Additionally, I have lots of intentions to spill way too much information about my life.  Seriously, I need to spill it somewhere.  My head is going to explode if I keep maintaining all these racing thoughts inside.

So, I guess welcome.  And hopefully you'll enjoy.