Monday, May 30, 2011

achievable goals.

New rule: no blogging when hungover.

I re-read yesterday's post, and I apologize.  That story is actually a much funnier story, and I can be a lot more candid than that.  I blame my hangover.

The fact that I was even hungover is foolish anyways.  I had made the executive decision that I would allow my body to detox this weekend.  In other words, NO ALCOHOL. 

See for the last few weeks I've taken to drinking and partying like a rock-star (vacation to Florida, BF's bachlorette party, etc, etc.).  I'm not sure who I really think I am with this behavior, but trust me when I say I have the ability to party like a rock star.  So I decided on Thursday that I was going to take this weekend off. 

At least I was successful for Friday night.

On saturday I had to go to the bridal store with my friend to learn how to "bustle" her dress (ridiculous MOH duties).  The store was an hour away, and she made her apointment for 12PM.  In my head I think ok cool, we'll do the bustling scenario, do some dress shopping for her rehearsal dinner, and get some lunch.  Not such a bad day.

To start off, nearly the entire drive there, her and her Mother bickered.  We arrive at the store and I get ready to learn about my bustling duties.  Instead, I stood there as they stuck pins in her and decided how they were going to SEW the bustle.  She said woops, guess you didn't need to be here for this one, you'll have to come to the next one.  Oh, okay, sure.  I mean I'm sure I have NOTHING else to do.

As we leave, I'm hoping the day isn't a complete wash.  But alas, I should have never gotten my hopes up.  Her and her fiance wanted to go away for the weekend, so after the pinning and staring at my friend in her dress, she wanted to head straight home.  In other words, no shopping, no lunch, no nothing.  As we began driving I started to get motion sick out of starvation.  I convinced them that a DD stop would be necessary, and I grabbed some munchkins to get by.

As you can imagine, I wasn't pumped about this entire state of affairs.  But whatever, I'm pretty good at just going with it.  So I got home, changed into some grubby clothes, hung out outside for a bit with my dog, and then got ready to run some errands (aka drop off farm fresh eggs at my cousins, pick up my a/c at my parents house, yada yada).  As I was heading out, with my dog in the back seat, I got a text from my sister....heyy meet up with us (she was with my cousin) so we can make plans for the night.  I figure alright, I'll meet them, make some plans, then head home and get ready.

I should have just realized that nothing is that simple.  We met up, which turned into like a complete family affair, multiple cousins stopped by, my whole family, the dogs, and all.

No one wanted to go out, so we opted for a grill out at my cousins house.  My sister decided I could drive her to the store for groceries.  Which I did.

We got to my cousins' house, and she had bought a Sam Adams sampler pack for us, so I mean of course I had to have a drink.  For some reason, I started slamming them back (remember no lunch, I clearly make good choices).  We grilled out, had some delicious burgers and hot dogs, and I fed my dog like half of my dinner so he wasn't hungry.

Then we made a campfire.  Which my cousins' husband was pouring gasoline on, and the flame went flying up into the bottle, which he had to throw, and like an 8 foot fire broke out on their lawn.  He yelled for us to back up because it might blow and then ran for the hose.

He dragged the hose back and nothing came out.  GET THE KINKS!  My sister and my cousin went running to un-do all the kinks.  I stood there with my dog (I mean I couldn't let him get close), eating a brownie, drinking a beer, and watching the shenanigans.  They got the fire out, successfully made the bonfire, and we all chilled for a bit with some drinks.

Then my sister asks me to go to the bar with her in a couple towns over.  Umm, well I have my dog, I haven't showered, I'm wearing grubby jeans that haven't been washed in several wears, a sports bra (as if I don't have a chest that looks enough like a school aged boys'), a ratty old tee, I haven't washed or brushed my hair, and I don't really want to drive there at midnight.  I actually think I said no a couple times.

Clearly my "no" is not very effective.  I drove us to the bar, had some of their own brewed beer, and hung out with her and some of her friends, until the bar closed. 

Then I drove her home, drove me and my dog home (take note I was not drunk driving, I refuse to that, I was still clearheaded enough to drive), fed him a very late night/early morning dinner,  made up my love-seat bed (I'll explain later), and put my grubby self under the covers at approximately 2:45AM. 

I woke up at 7AM feeling like hell.  I made some coffee, ate a bagel, and proceeded to lay on the floor with my dog.  As I lay there thinking (rule #2: no thinking when hungover, it just leads to depressing & miserable thoughts), I decided well maybe I should post on my blog.  So I dragged myself to my old school computer, found that the internet connetion was working, and got to work.  I thought I was somewhat successful, but I re-read it this morning, and like I said: I apologize. 

Obviously no drinking for an entire weekend was a silly goal, that was, in fact un-achievable.  So my new goal is to not post when hung-over.  Or I'll lose any fan base with my bland and boring posts.

Don't lose faith friends, I think I can be successful with this goal.