So, I figured after all that went astray yesterday, literally what else could happen. I had a nice hike planned, I was meeting a coworker at the top of the mountain so that I wouldn't have to walk back down in the dark alone (comfort for my Dad), and my dog was ready to go.
I got there a bit late, per usual. I have a complete inability to ever be on time and being early is impossible.
I saw my coworker's car at the bottom, so I took off for the top. Literally took off, like ran most of the way.
I got up to the top, saw a couple catching the rest of sunset, but I did not see my coworker. I figured I must have some how beat him up, no biggie. I'll take some pics and hang till he gets up here.
Twenty minutes later I get a voicemail (my phone literally never rang, what gives?!). Hey, I see your Jeep down here. I already came back down, can't stay, might get called into work. Sorry. Have fun.
Alright, oh well. I'm used to doing my own thing with my sidekick.
So I set my pack down to grab my sweatshirt out of it. Yanked my sweatshirt out, completely forgetting that I had a summit beer wrapped up in it.
Glass and beer everywhere.
Fantastic. So I spend the next 10 minutes picking up shards of glass because I don't want anyone to get cut up.
While I'm doing this my dog takes ntoe of something nearby. No biggie, that happens.
Unless it's a fox only a few feet away.
So my dog chases it off. Now there is a fox running, my dog running, and me running.
Ultimately my dog stopped and I grabbed ahold of his collar. The fox is going nutter in the woods, like totally barking mad.
I finish up with the glass shards, filling up my koozie. Then I find a nearby trash can and shake the shards from the koozie into the can.
See ya later koozie, clearly my grip sucks.
I can't allow this to happen. More or less say I won't, take off the trash cover and retrieve my koozie and proceed to disinfect it once I get back to my car.
Anyways, the fireworks shows begin, so I check out a few of the shows, and stay up there for a bit.
Then, I ultimately decide I will head down. Considering I'm alone, I determine the best option is for me to take the trail through the woods down, the one I know best.
There is a road headed down, but there are other roads that connect with it, several turn options, and overall it just makes me panic.
I'm more comfortable in the woods.
I grab my headlamp and head down.
I turn on said headlamp.
The batteries have croaked.
Of course they have.
Considering I had no light option besides my cell phone and there was no full moon, the trail with all the rocks and steep slopes was going to have to be out.
Damn it.
So I headed down the road making sure my dog stayed a specific distance around me in case of any lurkers or animals.
I got down safely.
Apparently my sense of direction has improved somewhat.